jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

BFs 4 ever

Lour and Katy were the best friends you could have ever seen: they had known each other since they were 4 years old, they had gone to the same kindergarden, primary and high school together because their families were also best friends. The activity they most enjoyed doing together was acting. They had acted in ten plays at four different theaters and were both hired to do a "Kinder" advertisement 2 years ago. Katy was always the principal character because of her charisma, but Lour wasn't jealous at all, on the contrary, she was always supporting her. Last week, Lour's telephone rang. It was Katy, and talking with a strange voice, like she was crying, said that her father had found a job for her as an actress in a soap opera.

'And what's the matter with that?', said Lour, starting shuddering.

'I'll have to move to Hawaii', answered Katy.

'Oh my God! That's wonderful, Katy!', sighed Lour. 'I thought you were going to tell me something horrible about that'.

Katy didn't understand what was happening. She was sad because she wasn't going to see her best friend anymore. But instead of crying with her, Lour was extremely happy.

'I know You will never forget me, and I will see you everyday in that soap opera! We will be still being best friends for the rest of our lives', said Lour.

Katy felt so much better after hearing that. Of course they still be best friends for ever! She dashed to Lour's house to give her the most strong hug she had ever given to anybody. And that was the last time they saw each other.

1 comentario:

  1. Great job! Just correct: "...seen: they..., they had gone to the same kindergarten,...were also best/good friends." "..."Kinder"..." "...at all, on the contrary...""...as an actress ..." "...thought you..." "...know you ... everyday..." "... still be best..." "...had ever given to anybody..."
